Products and Tailored Solutions for Every Business Need

our products


We sell some of the mostpowerful wireless antennas.Our range of devices includesomnidirectional and PTPindustrial-grade hardware,which gives network operatorsunparalleled flexibility andconvenience. Combinedwith modular radio systems,these antennas can powera city tower by transmittingbandwidth from a WISPnetwork.


Our portfolio of agile, flexibleand reliable wired andwireless routers are ideal forenterprise scenarios. Ourlist of products includes theRB750r2 HEX Lite Series,which are affordable, compactand power SOHO connectivityfor endless productivity andentertainment possibilities.The Cloud Core 2216 operateswith low power but is superiorin performance because theCCR216 empowers largeorganisations and enterpriseswith a 100 Gigabit experience.

routerboard series

We carry RouterBoards
that provide our customers
advanced routing and
networking features. Powered
by RouterOS, these lines of
devices are acquired by system
integrators and companies
to build data networks. It
supports all the necessary
features for an ISP which
include routing, firewall, and
bandwidth management.


Our list of best-seller switches
enables our customers to
integrate multiple ranges of
devices into their networks.
These switches come in
different categories, including
the cost-effective USW Flex
Mini and the highly scalable
and configurable USW
Enterprise. These devices have
been carefully designed to
optimise any network in any

access points

We enable connectivity
in medium- to large-sized
enterprises and organisations
by providing dependable
access points to meet the
performance requirements
in a digital workplace for
a variety of use cases. Our
selection ranges from small
but powerful 650 MHz hAPs to
Quad Radio WiFi access points
that can operate in the most
demanding ultra-high density
(UHD) environments.

ethernet cable

We have some of the best
cable options to help our
customers build reliable wired
network setups. Our in-house
brand of Ethernet cables,
SenTec includes Cat6, Cat7
& Cat8 that are consistent in
performance and durability
and comply with industry
standards. Our cables are
ideal for operators and users
that prioritise performance
and security. They can power
systems efficiently in any
environment and be able to
endure the test of time.

fibre cable

Fibre cables are crucial to
performing high-speed
data transmission for
corporate networking and
telecommunications use
cases. SenTec fibre cables are
constructed with components
of the highest quality. Our
customers use multimode
cables to move large amounts
of data over short distances
and singlemode cables to
support the movement of
signal over long distances.


SubTel optical transceiversare high-performing yet costeffective and compatible with today’s best-selling routers and switches that come with SFP ports. These devices provides hot pluggability, contains easyoptical port upgrades andproduces low EMI emissionswhile our heavy duty seriesare designed for use in 25 and40 Gigabit Ethernet links. Theycan also be customised to avariety of firmwares.

IOT & Telematics

Our list of powerful and
customizable IoT sensors is
the driving force behind our
fleet and IoT management
solutions. Managed with
cloud-based software, these
sensors and trackers, which
are compatible with standards
like LoRaWan, GPS, and GNSS,
work in synergy to provide
business owners opportunities
to make calculated and
informed decisions to simplify
operations in capital-intensive

Surveillance -

IP Cameras

The safety of our customers
and their assets are
paramount to us. We supply
security surveillance products
that employ the highest
engineering standards to give
you peace of mind. Whether
for night vision, high definition,
or high resolution imaging
purposes, our IP cameras are
designed to meet and achieve
the optimum results.


Our range of networking
accessories plays a key role in
maximising the performance
of networking devices. Our
lists of secondary devices
are acquired for several use
cases, including connecting
and mounting devices, LAN
interface, supply power,
cabling protection, and
management and not limited
to other functions.


We provide system integratorsand operators with functionaltroubleshooting aid tohelp them execute theirresponsibilities efficiently inmaintaining wired networksystems. These includecrimping, cable testerscompression and punch downtools.